Design Prototyper


Hey there šŸ‘‹ Iā€™m Jordan White
a Design Prototyper with experience in software engineering, interaction design, hardware prototyping, and industrial design


Conference Papers

W Odom, J White, S Barnett, N Brand, H Lin, M Yoo, T Amram
Capra: Making Use of Multiple Perspectives for Capturing, Noticing and Revisiting Hiking Experiences Over Time
Presented at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | May 2024, Honolulu, United States

J White, W Odom, N Brand, C Zhong
Memory Tracer & Memory Compass: Investigating Personal Location Histories as a Design Material for Everyday Reminiscence

Presented at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | April 2023, Hamburg, Germany

C Zhong, R Wakkary, W Odom, M Wiberg, A.Y.S. Chen, D Oogjes, J White, M Yoo
Exploring Long-Term Mediated Relations with a Shape-Changing Thing: A Field Study of coMorphing Stool

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | April 2023, Hamburg, Germany



W Odom, S Barnett, N Brand, M Yoo, H Lin, J White
Negotiating Conceptual and Practical Frictions in Making the Capra Short Film: Extending a Research through Design Artifact with Video
Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) | July 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark


Work-in-Progress Papers

J White, W Odom, N Brand
Exploring Locations Histories as a Design Material for Reflection with Memory Compass & Memory Tracer

Presented remotely at Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) | July 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands


Conference Workshop Papers

J White, W Odom
Exploring Location Histories as a Design Material for Reflection with Memory Compass & Memory Tracer. in workshop proceedings of RtD in Situ: Discussing the Domains and Impact of Design Research.
Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) | July 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands

W Odom, T Amram, A.Y.S. Chen, H Lin, J White, M Yoo
Reflective Knowledge Production through a Designer-Researcher Approach. in workshop proceedings of A Sample of One: First Person Research Methods in HCI.
Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) | June 2019, San Diego, United States

šŸ“ San Francisco
© Jordan Roy White