Design Prototyper


Hey there πŸ‘‹ I’m Jordan Whitea Product Designer with 6+ years experience in software engineering, interaction design, hardware prototyping, and industrial design


Hey there πŸ‘‹ I’m Jordan White
a Product Designer with 6+ years experience in software engineering, interaction design, hardware prototyping, and industrial design


Hey there πŸ‘‹ I’m Jordan White
a Product Designer with 6+ years experience in software engineering, interaction design, hardware prototyping, and industrial design

β€œWhatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
— Quote Source

Hey there πŸ‘‹ I’m Jordan White
a Product Designer with 6+ years experience in software engineering, interaction design, hardware prototyping, and industrial design

Hey there πŸ‘‹ I’m Jordan White
a Product Designer with 6+ years experience in software engineering, interaction design, hardware prototyping, and industrial design


🎨 Looking for a new role :D

I love brining new products to life, whether it be hardware or software (particularly excited about hardware). I do my best work (and have the most fun) at the overlap of design and engineering. I firmly believe the best designs are a result of designers understanding how to build what they are designing.

Almost all my work experience has been in startups or research studios where I have experience taking multiple ideas from 0 through finished products. This has trained me to handle ambiguity, limited resources, and figuring a lot of things out on my own.

Recently back inπŸ“San Francisco and excited for the next opportunity!

If you have any questions or ideas or just want to β€œsay hey” please send me an email!

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Software Prototyping

Fusion 360
Adobe (Ai, Pr, Id, Ae)

Physical Prototyping

Raspberry Pi
Pi Pico
3D Printing
Laser Cutting
Mold Making/Casting
AC Wiring
Milling (manual)


HTML/CSS/JS (Tailwind)


Simon Fraser University 
|  School of Interaction Arts + Technology  |  Vancouver, BC  |  2018 - 2022
M.Sc. Human-Computer Interaction
- Design Researcher in Everyday Design Studio and Homeware Lab
- Supervisor: William Odom
- Thesis: Using personal location history data to design products for reminiscence

Virginia Tech |  School of Engineering  |  Blacksburg, VA  |  2013 - 2017
B.S. Computer Science  |  Minors Industrial Design, Math
- VT Entrepreneur Club president | VTHacks founding organizer | Entrepreneurship Dorm mentor

πŸ“ San Francisco
© Jordan Roy White