A collection of logos I designed from 2015 — 2017
For: Virginia Tech's 2015 Entrepreneurship Conference
Impact: Used in all conference materials including ~250 distributed t-shirts
For: First logo for Built With
Impact: Set the initial style for an event which has happened 6 times and connected hundreds of students. The underscore in the logo was a big part of marketing for the first event
For: Made for a friend for a fashion and merchandising class project
Impact: My friend had a cool logo
For: My Virginia Tech Homecoming campaign, which was dedicated to raising awareness about sex trafficking in the USA
Impact: Over 200 shirts were sold with this logo and 500 stickers distributed around campus
For: A group of top Virginia Tech student leaders
Impact: Sadly the group never got very far off the ground, and so the logo didn't go anywhere either
For: Corporations for Communities (contract work)
Impact: Name of the corporation was changed shortly after my rebranding, and so this logo was never implemented
For: Built With 3
Impact: 200+ people in attendance. 250 stickers distributed
For: Sticker logo for the first Built With which was held in April 2015
Impact: Over 150 stickers spread around Virginia Tech's campu
For: Commissioned by the Apex Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship as a part of branding Virginia Tech's entrepreneurs
Impact: Apparently using the word 'Hokie' has a lot of restrictions, so it was never officially used